You can have the cleanest, most pristine, home and vehicle and STILL become infested with bed bugs!

Why? Because they are “hitchhikers” and will most likely gain entry into your your life by accident. To make matters worse, they are really, really hard to get under control. Ordinary department store products just won’t do it.

So how do you become infested? Easier that you might think. Let me give you just a few examples of how you and your family may come in contact with these blood-sucking insects and introduce them into your home.

Do you travel? Think airports, taxi cabs, shuttles, busses, uber vehicles, chairs, restrooms, restaurants and lounges…

Do you go shopping? Think dressing rooms, standing close to people in line, putting your purse down, trying on clothes or sitting on furniture to try out…

Do you leave the protective bubble of your home? Think kids going to school, riding on school buses, going to the movies or any public place, going out to dinner or for a cocktail after work.

Do people come over to your house? Think visitors bringing them in on their clothing, in purses, backpacks, workers who may bring in tool boxes or containers, or YOU visiting others.

Do you ever purchase used furniture? Think couches, chairs, dressers, pillows, and especially used mattresses, or maybe you inherit grandmas cherished old fashion sewing machine cabinet and it was infested with a ton of hungry bed bugs that are now looking for a blood meal.

The possibilities are endless. There is really no way to really know where they started, and usually by the time you notice them, you have a full on infestation. It can be mind-boggling and pretty darn unnerving, to say the least. Not to mention the intense itching and loss of sleep, or secondary skin infections.

We actually had eradicated this horrible pest many years back, and then about ten or so years ago, they were reintroduced into the country and it’s been out of control ever since.

Where bed bug control is concerned, it’s not as easy as picking up a can of spray at the local department store. It’s a HUGE PROCESS, and it involves using a combination of insecticide concentrates, insect growth regulators (birth control), insecticide dust (for cracks and crevices where they hide), and a can of insecticide that is labeled for bed bugs, to have on hand in between the treatment intervals. If it sounds like a big job, you are right.

It’s also important to seek out those little buggers in places that you normally might not consider when thinking of pest control. Places like the hollow of curtain rods, pictures on the wall, small electronic devices like clocks, underneath all the drawers of furniture, the tufts of mattresses, and ALL cracks and crevices, particularly baseboards where they tend to hang out during the day until they are on the hunt for a fresh blood meal.

The other thing you need to know is, that once you’ve had bed bugs, you will always be doing maintenance to be sure you don’t become reinfested (usually quarterly treatments) because bed bugs can lay dormant or go without feeding for 20-400 days! That’s over a year!! Temperature and humidity play a factor in that as well.

After reading this blog, you may be thinking there’s no way you want to do all of that work, but professionals are going to have to do all that work, too, and you are going to pay a premium price for it. Even so, you will still have work to do on your end, so that they can get to the places that need to be treated, so know that you have the option.

We hope this information is helpful to you, and if you decide that you want to save yourself, potentially, hundreds of dollars, we’ve got you covered.

We ARE State Certified Pest Control Operators, not sales clerks, and the products we sell are the same ones that are used in the professional exterminating industry. We are able to identify your insects, prescribe the solutions, and give you the step-by-step instructions to be sure you are doing to the job properly so you get the best results, but safely, so you don’t harm any of your loved ones or turn your home into a toxic waste site.

Ask us how, then do it yourself and SAVE!